First Friday & Saturday

November 5-6, 2004

Friday November 5th

Today is my fathers 75th birthday and as of this coming March 17th he will have been dead for 25 years. I have been thinking about him a lot lately and not long ago decided to have the Gregorian Masses said for him. I am confident his stay in purgatory, if any was short. I told God in prayer that if my father did not need the Gregorian Masses to please assign them to whoever in Purgatory He wished. At the time I completed the arrangements for the masses to be said I was hit with a sudden, out of nowhere 13.

During the night I awoke very suddenly. I felt the urge to say a prayer and I glanced over at the clock next to the bed. When I looked I saw the last fraction of the last second of 4:13. I felt the peace run through me and went right back to sleep. Later in the morning I got up and looked at my watch as I walked out the door to go to work and the time was 6:13.

Like most mornings I stopped by St. Joseph’s to say a quick prayer and at the very instant I arrived the CD player flashed 33. I then started driving to work in "hometown". I was running a little later than usual and I knew I would not make it to "hometown" in time for mass at "Parish Church" so I stopped at St. John’s in Warrenton. Mass ended and I could not help but notice the time on the dash as I pulled out of the parking lot was 9:13.

I arrived at work in "hometown" and later in the day I went to lunch with Carrol R. When we finished eating I rode in town to get a haircut. I parked at "Parish Church" and walked over to Polly’s Barbershop. After the haircut I walked back to "Parish Church" and went in church and prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary. When I finished the rosary I glanced at my watch and the time was 12:33.

I rode back to work and later in the day when I finished all the work I needed to do I sat at my desk and started writing today’s handwritten journal/note entry. I did not have any idea what the time was but when I finished writing I glanced at my watch and the time was 4:13.

About an hour later my co-worker, Carrol suggested that we leave for the day and he said “lets go”. It was at that time we both left work and I drove back to Emmitsburg. While I was driving home my phone rang and it was S.C.C.. She said she wanted to go to adoration at St. Joseph’s for First Friday. I told her I would meet her there. I continued driving and arrived at St. Joseph’s at 7:13. About 15 seconds later S.C.C. arrived and it was still 7:13.

The church was locked but we knew someone would be arriving shortly because of First Friday. S.C.C. and I sat in the car and talked for a while and then a woman arrived and unlocked the church. We walked in and just as I genuflected to enter the pew I felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and the time was 7:33. It was just then Fr. Steve Tzricski who is the associate pastor walked up to us and asked if we were all settled in from our move. I told him that we were. He said “We are happy you are here.” Suddenly the peaceful feeling hit again. I glanced at my watch and it was still 7:33.

Adoration began at 8’oclock and I was just sitting there before the Blessed Sacrament when suddenly the desire to pray the rosary hit me without any warning. I took my rosary out of my pocked and glanced at my watch just as I began the Glorious Mysteries. The time was 8:13. Just as I was finishing the rosary Fr. O’Malley who is the pastor began the Night Prayers. When they were over I left and drove home and pulled in my driveway and the time on the dash was 9:13.

Saturday November 6th

I was tired and turned the TV on to watch the news and fell asleep. I did wake up in the middle of the night and the TV was still on. At the instant I woke up there was a CNN news report about gay marriage showing 2 males (I won’t use the word men) exchanging rings and then kissing. I drove straight to St. Joseph’s and arrived there and walked in the door and the time was 2:33.

Phil C was there along with about 4 or 5 other people. Because of the news report and graphic details that I awoke to I decided to pray the rosary for the intention that homosexual marriage never be allowed. I prayed the Luminous mysteries and continued with the Joyful. At the very instant I completed the Joyful and was starting the Sorrowful I felt a surge of peace run through me that was almost numbing. I knew to look at my watch and the time was 3:13:33. I completed the Sorrowful and left to go home. I looked at my watch as I walked out the door and the time was 3:33.

I arrived home and went back to bed. Later in the morning S.C.C. and I got up to go to St. Mary’s for the First Saturday Lay Missionary of Charity mass and meeting. When the meeting ended Phil C. asked if I could stop by his house and help him carry a few sheets of drywall down into his basement. S.C.C. and I then left and when we started the car the time on the dash was 11:13.

I drove S.C.C. home and then I drove over to Phil’s house to help him carry the drywall and arrived there at 11:33. Gianna and Mike Sullivan live next door to Phil. We carried the drywall from Phil’s truck into the basement. When we finished I left and as I was leaving I felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.

I drove home and was feeling a little tired but I ran my mulching lawn mower over the yard to get rid of the leaves. Our house is surrounded by woods. I then took a short nap on the couch and when I got up I rode to St. Peter’s to get a new pouch for my rosary because my old one has fallen apart. The total was $4.67 and I was given 33 cents change.

Later in the evening I sat down at my computer to write the October 30th paper and I completed it at 9:33. When I finished that paper I took a break and sat back down at my computer and started the November 1st paper. I became very tired and knew I would not be able to complete it. I stopped writing and at the very instant I was turning the computer off the feeling of peace hit me. It was at that instant I noticed the time on the computer was the last fraction of the last second of 11:13.

R_____ C___

Nov. 14, 2004

12:33 Am