I Saw Our Lady of Emmitsburg On The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 7-8, 2004

The only way I can tell this is to start with the events leading up to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It never fails, each year on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception the things that happen to me become stronger and more detailed. If it were not for my faith in God, I would be terrified of the events currently taking place in my life. Because I am 100% certain that God is behind all of this, I am at complete peace with everything and I am not afraid.

December 7th

This morning I left the house to go to work in Manassas. I stopped at St. Joseph’s on the way to say a few prayers. I glanced at my watch at the very instant the car came to a complete stop and it said 6:13:13. I prayed mostly for the Gregorian Masses for my father that are currently in progress and when I finished I left to go to Manassas. While I was driving I had a sudden, crashing thought that I should take tomorrow off from work for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It was so strong and it was at that instant I just happened to notice the CD counter on the dash said 13.

I arrived in Manassas and went to All Saint’s for daily mass. I glanced at my watch as I walked in the door and it said XX:XX:33. During the mass I offered my prayers for my father and the intentions of Our Lady. When mass ended I left and rode across the street to work and arrived there at 9:13.

So far my new job has gone smoothly and I have received good training from the people in my department. I was very busy learning parts of my new job this morning and I had no control of when we would break for lunch. When the person training me suggested that we break for lunch I went back to All Saint’s to pray the rosary. I glanced at my watch as I walked in the church and the time was 1:33:13. I prayed both the Joyful and Sorrowful mysteries and when I finished I looked at my watch and the time was 2:13. I drove back to work and when I arrived the odometer was 1.3.

My training resumed after lunch and I spent the rest of the afternoon learning new things for my job. Again I was very busy and I had to work at the pace of the person training me. Just as we finished the next training session I suddenly knew that Our Lady has helped me throughout the entire process of changing jobs. I glanced at my watch and the time was now 3:13.

The rest of the day was just spent doing things I regularly do and when I got off work I drove back to Emmitsburg. I planned on stopping at St. Joseph’s to pray a rosary for the Feast of The Immaculate Conception tomorrow but when I arrived I noticed the lights were on in the church. I suddenly realized they must be having a vigil mass tonight at 7:30. I parked and at the very instant the car came to a complete stop the CD on the dash flashed 13.

I went in St. Joseph’s and sat in my old regular Thursday Night seat. Fr. Steve Trziscski was the priest. There were several times during mass I had a sudden thought about something that would cause me to glance at my watch and each time is said XX:XX:13 or 33. I received Holy Communion and at the very instant I returned to my pew the strong, sudden feeling of peace hit me extremely hard. I glanced at my watch and the time was 8:13. After mass I drove home and pulled in my driveway and the clock on the dash was 8:33.

December 8th

When I arrived home from St. Joseph’s I was fairly tired and was ready to go to bed early. I was probably asleep by 9:30 or so. Later in the night I awoke very suddenly and I was filled with a feeling of peace and a desire to pray. The feeling of peace and holiness was so very strong that I knew it was special. I also knew to look over at the clock next to the bed and the time was 3:33.

I laid in bed and I prayed Hail Mary’s over and over with other prayers mixed in. When I finished I rolled over to go back to sleep and just as I closed my eyes I suddenly saw a bright white light that covered the entire field of my view. Suddenly Our Lady of Emmitsburg was in the middle of the white light. She looked just like the picture of Our Lady of Emmitsburg except she had a magnificent smile on Her face.

The smile and the beauty of Her face came to life. The smile reflected a look of ecstatic joy. I can’t possibly describe the beauty and the feeling of love I was experiencing. Every feature of Our Lady’s face was adjusted to reflect the smile and look of unearthly joy. Her entire face was smiling.

It only lasted a few seconds but that was long enough that the image will be permanently burned into my memory just like the night I saw Jesus in St. Joseph’s on the night of June 7-8, 2002.

I just laid there stunned and did not even try to move. I just continued to pray and eventually I fell back to sleep. Later in the morning when I got up I looked over at the clock and the time was 7:13.

I took a shower and got dressed. It was impossible to not be filled with happiness over the image of Our Lady. Just as I was putting on my watch I thought about this happening on the Feast of The Immaculate Conception. I looked at my watch and the time was 7:33.

Since I had taken the day off from work I went to mass with S.C.C. at St. Mary’s even though I had already been last night at St. Joseph’s. I glanced at my watch as we walked in the church and it said XX:XX:33.

Fr. M______ gave a very good homily for the Feast of The Immaculate Conception and after returning to my seat after receiving Holy Communion I just happened to look up. I saw Gianna Sullivan receiving the Precious Blood. It was at that very instant I felt a sudden peace come over me about KNOWING she is telling the truth and really sees Our Lady. It caused me to glance at my watch and it said XX:XX:13. Mass ended and the time was 8:33.

S.C.C. and I were getting ready to leave when Phil C stopped us and asked if we could help wrap Christmas presents for local needy children through the parish Angel Tree program. I told Phil that we could stay and help. It was at that instant I again felt the peace so I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. We spent the next couple of hours wrapping presents with other members of the parish and the LMC. When we finished the time was 12:13.

A little later in the afternoon S.C.C. said she would like to stop by the Basilica and get some mass cards for some people instead of Christmas cards and send them to members of our family. When she said this I just happened to glance down at my watch and the time was 1:13.

Since today was the Feast of The Immaculate Conception and the things that happen to me were extremely strong and frequent today I thought I should sit down at my desk and catch up the daily journal/notes that I keep. I started writing and at the very instant I finished writing about seeing Our Lady last night I felt the peace hit me again. I glanced down at my watch and the time was 2:33.

I continued to write my notes up through the current time and when I finished I left to go to St. Joseph’s and pray my daily rosary. I never looked at the time. When I arrived at St. Joseph’s I looked at my watch as I walked in the door. The time was 3:13. I prayed the Joyful mysteries and during this time I continually thought about the look of joy on Our Lady’s face. I finished the rosary and looked at my watch as I walked out of the church and the time was 3:33.

I then rode to St. Peter’s Books and got a cup of coffee. S.C.C. worked the afternoon hours there. I glanced at my watch as I arrived and it said XX:XX:33. A few minutes later Brian F came in and we started talking about our upcoming trip to Medjugorje. I told him how my projected vacation time was already in the vacation book at work 8 month before our first trip to Medjugorje and it was the exact dates I needed for the trip. At the very instant I finished telling him about that I suddenly felt the peace hit me. I glanced at my watch and the time was 4:13:59.

Brian then left and I talked to S.C.C. for a few minutes before leaving myself. Just as I left I felt the sudden urge to go back to St. Joseph’s and pray another rosary especially for what happened last night. I glanced at my watch just as I walked in the church and the time was 4:33:00. Fr. Steve was there and wished me a “Happy Feast Day”. I prayed both the Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries and when I finished I left . I got in my car to leave and when I started it the time on the dash was 5:13. The peace hit and I glanced at my watch and it said 5:13:33.

I then drove home and was delayed because of heavy traffic on Main St in Emmitsburg. I arrived home and pulled in my drive way and the time was 5:33. When S.C.C. got home I told her what happened last night. I then sat down at my computer and wrote the December 3-4th paper and looked at my watch just as I completed it and the time was 9:33:33.

R_____ C___

Dec. 12, 2004

8:33 Pm