Public Monthly Apparition of Our Lady of Emmitsburg

Sunday March 11, 2007

Normally the public apparition of Our Lady of Emmitsburg takes place on the first Sunday of each month. Because of a scheduling conflict with the Lynfield Event Complex this months public apparition took place on the second Sunday. The regular schedule will resume next month.

Attendance this month was at a all time high. I guess because of all of the newspaper coverage and the ABC 7 News report on TV. It was packed and there were a lot of new faces I have never seen before. Despite the opposition the prayer group continues to grow.

There is a special feeling I get when Our Lady is coming and I am able to recognize it instantly. If I were not able to I would not be living here today. I am grateful that I have been blessed with this sometimes difficult gift. The rewards far outweigh the burden.

I got up this morning and as I put on my watch I thought about today being the public apparition of Our Lady at the Lynfield Event Complex. I felt a feeling of peace as a result and glanced at my watch. It said XX:XX:13.

S.C.C. and I were scheduled to be Eucharistic Ministers at St. Mary’s this morning at the 10:30 mass. During the mass I was suddenly struck with the feeling of peace (that I can’t properly describe) as Fr. ______ elevated the host. It was so strong I knew to glance at my watch and the time was 11:13. Mass ended and as we were leaving I noticed Mike and Gianna in the back of the church. It made me think of today’s apparition. I glanced at my watch and the time was 11:33.

We came home and ate breakfast and a little later S.C.C. left to go pick up Louie R and his 90 year old mother Emma, because they asked for a ride to today’s apparition of Our Lady. Both of them are handicapped. After S.C.C. left Greg P (who is our house guest for a while) and I got in the car to go to the apparition. I started the car and the time on the dash was 12:13.

We drove to St. Peter’s Book Store and picked up Ray Sanders. We then stopped by St. Joseph’s on our way to the Lynfield and just as the car came to a complete stop the CD flashed 33. I tried to go in to say a few prayers but the church was already locked. I got back in the car just as the CD flashed 33 and at the instant we pulled out the odometer switched to 33.

We drove to the Lynfield and parked. At the instant I walked in the door I felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33. I helped set things up like I always do. When we finished setting up I helped hand out copies of Our Lady’s private messages to people as they came in. As I did this I felt the peace and glanced at my watch and the time was 2:33.

Like I said earlier the attendance was fantastic. I don’t know how many people it was but it was packed. I have not seen crowds like this since the prayer group was at St. Joseph’s. I am sure it was because of the news coverage.

Mike Sullivan made announcements and then Gianna spoke a few words about not seeing Our Lady privately during Lent. Mike then started the rosary. As he started the rosary I glanced at my watch as I blessed myself and the time was 3:13.

The rosary progressed and at the instant the fourth decade began I felt the peace. I glanced at my watch and the time was 4:13. Our Lady came a few Hail Mary’s later and the time was 4:16. Our Lady gave the message and the rosary resumed. The rosary was completed at 4:33.

Jim O’Brien and Sherry M led the Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by Fr. Joseph McCloskey saying a few words and the final blessing by Fr. Simon Ingler. There was a small birthday party for Gianna after the prayer service because she turns 50 tomorrow. I finished all I needed to do and left. I glanced at my watch as I got in my car to leave and the time was 6:13:33. Greg and I drove to St. Josephs and arrived there at 6:33 the odometer was 3.3 and the CD flashed 33.

We then drove home and picked up S.C.C. who drove Louie and Emma home and then drove out to Peter and Mary B’s house for a dinner invitation. We finished dinner and got up to leave and the time was 9:13.

R_____ C___

March 24, 2007

8:33 Pm