I Saw Our Lady of Emmitsburg In A Dream

May 28, 2006

It would not be possible for me to properly describe exactly what this experience has been like since my first time in St. Joseph’s on November 19, 1998 all the way up to now. When I think about all I have been through and experienced I feel numb. I do not feel worthy. This paper marks the 2nd time I have seen Our Lady of Emmitsburg. The first time on December 8, 2004 and now this time in a dream on May 28, 2006.

Friday May 26

I was driving home and called home on the cell phone. It was during that phone call that S.C.C. told me that we had been invited to a Memorial Day cookout on Sunday May 28th at Mary and Peter Blanchard’s house. S.C.C. told me that we were going to meet first at Mike and Gianna Sullivan’s house to pray the rosary then we would all go to Mary and Peter’s for the cookout. When S.C.C. told me this I looked down and the time on the dash was 6:33.

Saturday May 27

I drove to "hometown" for a memorial service for Bill Printz, a Civil War relic hunting friend of mine who died suddenly this past April 30. After the memorial service in "hometown" I drove home and stopped at St. Joseph’s to pray a rosary for the repose of Bill’s soul. I glanced at my watch as I finished that rosary and kissed the Crucifix and the time was 8:33:33.

Sunday May 28

Early this morning I had a very vivid dream. The kind that you could reach out and touch. In this dream I heard my name being called but not in an audible way. It was more interior and there was no sound but I could still hear it.

In this dream I was laying in bed and looked over to my right which was the direction I felt my name was being called from. When I looked, I saw Our Lady of Emmitsburg. There was no mistaking Her identity . She was beautiful and was smiling. She looked very much like the way I saw Her on December 8, 2004 which was not a dream. The image was somewhat translucent. Her smile was beautiful and a little more subdued that the smile she had on December 8, 2004. After getting a very good look at Her I woke up and the time on the clock next to the bed was 5:13.

Later in the morning S.C.C., C.R.C. and myself went to the 10:30 mass at St. Mary’s. Fr. Mike is still sick. Mass began at 10:33 and ended at 11:33. After mass we went home and I sat down and caught up all of my notes that these papers are written from. When I finished all of the notes including the part earlier today of seeing Our Lady in the dream the time was 1:33.

I sat down and relaxed for a few minutes and talked to S.C.C.. I then went upstairs to get ready to go over to Mike and Gianna’s house to pray the rosary at 3 pm before going to the cookout. When I walked upstairs the clock next to the bed was the last fraction of a second of 2:13. After getting ready I realized that I had not put my watch on so I went back upstairs to get it. As I put it on I noticed the time was 2:33.

S.C.C. and I left and we were the first to arrive at Mike and Gianna’s house. About a minute later everyone else arrived. It was Mary and Peter Blanchard, Brian F, Sharon L and Ivan P. We waited for Joe F but he was unable to come because of the open house at the new adoration chapel. When we found out that Joe would not be coming Mike Sullivan started the rosary and the time was 3:13.

Gianna and Mike’s 10 year old daughter, Ann Marie took the 1st decade. Ivan had the 2nd and Sharon had the 3rd. S.C.C. was next in line to take the 4th but did not take it. Because of the long pause between the 3rd and 4th decade I took it. At that instant I felt the peace and glanced down at the instant I started and the time was 3:33.

Our Lady appeared to Gianna after the 9th Hail Mary. The feeling of peace and Love in that room was incredible. Words can’t describe. After Our Lady gave the message I continued with the last Hail Mary. S.C.C. then took the 5th decade. When the rosary ended I glanced at my watch and it said XX:XX:33.

When the rosary was over everybody went to Peter and Mary’s house. When S.C.C. and I arrived the odometer was 1.3. We had a Memorial Day cookout out on the back deck. Allen Harris and Mary’s mother and father as well as Joe and Jan F showed up. It was a very nice cookout and everyone had a wonderful time. When everything was over we left. I looked at my watch and the time was 9:13.

R_____ C___

June 7, 2006

10:33 Pm